Workout Number One

Ok guys! Here is the first workout I am going to post :) Yes, it will be difficult, but I just did it this morning! We are in this together!

10 sec plank
10 burpees
20 sec plank
20 squats
30 sec plank
30 crunches
40 sec plank
40 backward lunge kicks
50 sec plank
50 bicycle crunches
60 sec plank
60 jumping jacks
Now, do the whole thing again except backwards! So, start with 60 sec plank, 60 jumping jacks, 50 sec plank, and so on...
*anything you do not know how to do, look up on youtube :)

Seem hard? It is! But don't fool yourself into thinking you need to "work into exercising". Don't start easy, because odds are you won't ever challenge yourself. Yea, you will probably be sore for a couple days, but it's worth it! When I first began seriously working out (February), my gym partner and I did this workout the third day....whew! We were dyin'! But it felt so good to know that we finished it. We felt so accomplished :D



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