Week 1 Day 2

Alrighty, here is the workout from tonight! If it was not for my best friend I would never have made it, but we finished!

30 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill (we walked at 3.8-4.0 and were on 8.0%-14.0% incline most of the time, but we worked up and back down from those high numbers.)

3 rounds of:
20 bicep curls
20 tricep extensions
20 overhead presses

2 rounds of:
1 min plank
30 sec plank/side
1 min plank

2 rounds of:
25 tricep dips
15 push-ups (knee push-ups are fine)
50 crunches (with feet crossed in the air)

Good luck everyone! Try and push yourselves (God knows I am) so that you grow stronger and force your bodies to gain endurance. Remember, it is all about finishing...it doesn't matter how fast or slow you go!


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