The Definition of Insanity

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It is doing something over and over hoping for a different result. We like to call these people crazy, because, "duh" the results won't change... But, what if we are the insane ones? In a funny sort of way, I tend to do this with food and laziness. Every time I over eat I feel awful. Yet, every time I am put in front of delicious food, I over eat on purpose! For some reason, I think that it is what my body wants, what will make me happy. When I eat poorly I feel sick afterwards. I feel bloated, fat, and gross (whether I actually am is a different story all together). When I am lazy, or just wanting a day of Netflix, I feel sluggish, bad, and like I wasted away my day.

"Well" you might say, "just get up and do something". But, it is not that easy. Once I feel sluggish, I have no desire to do something else, even though my body and mind are screaming for a change of pace. Can you see how I am insane? I walk right into the same behaviors over and over, hoping that I will love them. Hoping that they make me feel good. But I don't.

Therefore, how can I change this? Well, in one of my most recent posts, I talked about the mind and how powerful thoughts are. This idea applies here. We/I need to stop allowing ourselves to think that these actions are going to make us happy. For some reason, the easiest things: overeating, eating poorly, and being sluggish, are actually the worst ideas. I feel happier, healthier, more energized, and joyful when I make small adjustments. This only happens when I reprogram my brain into acknowledging the false ideas it is telling me. Stop thinking that you are making yourself miserable when you portion your food. Stop thinking that you are sacrificing by eating better. Stop thinking that working out is a part of your day you have to "get over with". These are the thoughts we tell ourselves, but the other options actually are the ones making us feel bad. Regardless of how fit, skinny, or whatever we are, we just aren't happy when we make our bodies uncomfortable. Remember how I said we have to train our minds to recognize the lies it tells us? Well, the next step is to reprogram it to know truth. And the truth is that healthy living is what our bodies were designed for; it is what makes us truly satisfied.


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