Mythbusting Raman
Ever hear, "Back when I was in college, I only lived off of ramen noodles..."? too. You might understand my fear at 1. being that poor and 2. eating only ramen noodles!!!! Gross! I mean, everyday??? Ok, here's the scoop...from my experience, college really isn't that way anymore. For the first part, we have meal swipes and cheaper college food ON CAMPUS. Second, ramen is super super bad for you. I kind of avoid that dish like the plague! So, what do college kids eat then? And, how in the world does any of us eat decently healthy?! Let me show you :)
As many of you probably remember, college is filled with dating, friendships, drama, career searching, soul searching, job searching, working, studying, attending classes, exploring, and the list goes on... it's pretty tough to find time just to call one's family, let alone cook. And, where would we cook? I live in a dorm for crying out loud! Heard of the freshman 15? Yea, me too. Sadly, I knew a girl that gained the freshman 50! I can guess you probably just did a double-take. So I think I have made my point clear that being in college is pretty dang tough when it comes to healthy lifestyle choices. We don't have much money, time, or resources (for the average student). HOWEVER.......I didn't say that this was an excuse. Let me be frank, eating right-ish, exercising, and adequately resting is still do-able! Coming from a college student, if we can do it, so can you! I say this because I know many working parents that just seem too busy to be healthy. I want to encourage you that if we can do it, you can too :)
Ok, first off - eating is a challenge! Pizza is pretty cheap now and deliverable! For a student who studies in groups, its a pretty easy go-to option. I am abundantly blessed to live with a Chic-fil-a on campus ;) and that is a hard one to pass up! But I have been really focusing on trying to do the best I can with the best I have. Back near some of my first posts as a blogger, I talked about eating healthy without removing all of the bad stuff. By removing all bread, for example, your body will lose weight, but it will also regain it super fast. Removing bread only works if you are going to permanently keep bread out of your diet for good! In the same way, I try to eat healthy, while still enjoying my life here on campus :) *I will post some of my recipes on here in another post*
For instance, when at the glorious Chic-fil-a, I usually order 2 grilled chicken sandwiches protein style. This simply means I get lettuce instead of a bun to cover my chicken. See how I did that? By removing both buns and ordering grilled instead of fried, I removed 30 grams of fat, while keeping all of the protein and nutrients. It's the same way wherever you are! Find ways to make normal foods healthier!
If you are an incoming college student, please hear me - avoid ramen if you can. I say this because you will buy food for your dorm. It's so easy to run to Walmart with your parents and pick a bunch of things in bulk for cheap. Ramen comes in huge packages for practically a penny! But ramen has high sodium (salt) and no nutritional value! You will balloon up faster than you can count to 10! If you can avoid ramen, DO IT! There are plenty of other snacks and easy food options, trust me. If anything, that would be my advice...don't binge on unhealthy snacks just because you can and because you are in college. You don't have to eat an apple every time you are hungry, just be smart about stuff! It really makes a difference :)
As many of you probably remember, college is filled with dating, friendships, drama, career searching, soul searching, job searching, working, studying, attending classes, exploring, and the list goes on... it's pretty tough to find time just to call one's family, let alone cook. And, where would we cook? I live in a dorm for crying out loud! Heard of the freshman 15? Yea, me too. Sadly, I knew a girl that gained the freshman 50! I can guess you probably just did a double-take. So I think I have made my point clear that being in college is pretty dang tough when it comes to healthy lifestyle choices. We don't have much money, time, or resources (for the average student). HOWEVER.......I didn't say that this was an excuse. Let me be frank, eating right-ish, exercising, and adequately resting is still do-able! Coming from a college student, if we can do it, so can you! I say this because I know many working parents that just seem too busy to be healthy. I want to encourage you that if we can do it, you can too :)
Ok, first off - eating is a challenge! Pizza is pretty cheap now and deliverable! For a student who studies in groups, its a pretty easy go-to option. I am abundantly blessed to live with a Chic-fil-a on campus ;) and that is a hard one to pass up! But I have been really focusing on trying to do the best I can with the best I have. Back near some of my first posts as a blogger, I talked about eating healthy without removing all of the bad stuff. By removing all bread, for example, your body will lose weight, but it will also regain it super fast. Removing bread only works if you are going to permanently keep bread out of your diet for good! In the same way, I try to eat healthy, while still enjoying my life here on campus :) *I will post some of my recipes on here in another post*
For instance, when at the glorious Chic-fil-a, I usually order 2 grilled chicken sandwiches protein style. This simply means I get lettuce instead of a bun to cover my chicken. See how I did that? By removing both buns and ordering grilled instead of fried, I removed 30 grams of fat, while keeping all of the protein and nutrients. It's the same way wherever you are! Find ways to make normal foods healthier!
If you are an incoming college student, please hear me - avoid ramen if you can. I say this because you will buy food for your dorm. It's so easy to run to Walmart with your parents and pick a bunch of things in bulk for cheap. Ramen comes in huge packages for practically a penny! But ramen has high sodium (salt) and no nutritional value! You will balloon up faster than you can count to 10! If you can avoid ramen, DO IT! There are plenty of other snacks and easy food options, trust me. If anything, that would be my advice...don't binge on unhealthy snacks just because you can and because you are in college. You don't have to eat an apple every time you are hungry, just be smart about stuff! It really makes a difference :)
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